What we sell
Nappies need 2 important parts. A waterproof part and an absorbent part

We sell 3 different types of inserts. Charcoal/Microfibre, Bamboo & Hemp
Each one beginning different to each other. There job is to soak the liquids up so the nappy dosn't leak.





All items that we sell should be washed before using them to get rid of any manufacturing residue and to boost absorbency.
I recommend charcoal is washed separate to all other items for the first few washes.
Nappies, microfibre inserts, charcoal, bags and CSP will only require 1 long prewash.
Bamboo will need 3 prewashes. The more they are washed the more they will hold. They do not need to be dried between washes.
Remove all poo before washing nappies, unless it is breastfed poo, which can remain.
Wash all nappies and inserts on a cold rinse first and then a 40 degree with non-bio using half the usual amount for a wash load.
wash all CSP on a 30-40 degree with non-bio using half the usual amount for a wash load.
Air dry, on a clothes horse or washing line.
If you dry on the line any stains present should be bleached out over time by the UV rays.
Fabric softener this will stop the nappies and CSP absorbing as much so could cause leaks.
Tumble dryers as this will damage the outer PUL on the nappies and CSP
Dishwasher tablets and vinegar.
You place the grey charcoal against your skin and the pattern against your underwear. They have snaps on the wings to put under your underwear and clip up.
once finished with them they can be folded into 3 and clipped shut and put in a bag until you wash them.
Pocket nappies have a pocket at the back which the inserts go in and they fasten up with the hook and loop or the poppers depending on which nappy you purchase. We sell 3 different pocket nappies
Alva BTP ( birth to potty size approx 8-10lb to 35lb depending on babies shape) - these are standard pockets and have a white inner
Tjs Charcoal ( 2 sizes BTP approx 8-10lb to 35lb & Junior approx 30lb to 50lb depending on shape, they could fit a short 50lb 6year old but also fit a tall skinny 50lb 9 year old) – these have a charcoal double guesset inner, so great for not staining and holding poo in. The charcoal reduces acidity thus reducing nappy rash and smells.
Mama Koala BTP ( approx 10-30lb) these have a very big pocket at the back making them easier to stuff and are limited monthly pattern
You then need to add inserts/ boosters to soak the liquids up for pockets.
I SELL......
Microfibre which consists of 3 layers of microfibre, they absorb quickly but do not hold a lot.
Bamboo consisting of 3 layers of bamboo, they absorb slower than a microfibre but hold more.
Charcoal Bamboo, which are 3 inner layers of microfibre with 2 outer layers of charcoal bamboo, they reduce acidity thus reducing nappy rash and smells, whilst having the added bonus of not showing staining.
Hemp. which is 6 layers of hemp jersey, they are great for heavy wetting babies or night time.
All babies are different in shape and size and also wee different amounts so one insert may suit some babies may not suit another baby.
Many use 1 microfibre insert with 1 bamboo or charcoal bamboo behind it. The microfibre soaks the liquid in quickly and then it can slowly go into the bamboo.
It all depends how you want to deal with the poo to what you use.
You can let the poo go on the nappy then dispose of the deposit in the toilet.
Use disposable liners.
Use fleece liners.
We sell fleece liners that you just put on top of the nappy between the baby’s bottom and the nappy. Pocket nappies that have a fleece inside (charcoal) don't need fleece liners, as to many layers of fleece will make a nappy leak.
They protect the nappy from getting stains.
They draw the liquid away from the baby’s bottom ensuring a clean and dry bottom with no soreness.
They are easier to clean over the toilet.
They draw the liquid away from the baby’s bottom ensuring a clean and dry bottom with no soreness.
They are easier to clean over the toilet.
We sell extra large wet bags for you to put them in when waiting to be washed.
You can buy buckets to leave them in & you don’t need any liquids in (just dry paling).
We recommend you would need approx 20-25 nappies but this does depend on how often your baby wees and how often you wash your nappies.
If you are new to these nappies maybe buy a couple first to try as all babies are different in shape and size so what fit some may not fit others or try a nappy library were you can higher all different makes to see which you like first.
All nappies and inserts should be washed before use when new.